Friday, April 26
Raising Funds for Playground and Locker Room Improvements
Donate Online
You can give a one-time or recurring donation online via credit/debit card or secure bank transfer.
You can also donate via cash or check by bringing your gift to the school office.
For more information about this event, please contact our offices at 615.890.0894 or send an email to info@frcsminutemen.com
Become a Sponsor
We are inviting local businesses to get involved with our annual FRCS Walkathon! In return for your generous donation, we will provide several opportunities for advertisement for your business giving your brand exposure to many families in the Middle Tennessee area.
See the sponsor levels below:
- Recognized in weekly school newsletter
- Listed as an FRCS sponsor on a banner in our gymnasium
- Custom banner including your business logo, slogan, and website
- Personal ad on live stream (3 available)*
- Recognized in weekly school newsletter
- Listed as an FRCS sponsor on a banner in our gymnasium
- Custom banner including your business logo, slogan, and website
- Personal ad on live stream (3 available)*
- Recognized in weekly school newsletter
- Listed as an FRCS sponsor on a banner in our gymnasium
- Custom banner including your business logo, slogan, and website
- Personal ad on live stream (3 available)*
- Recognized in weekly school newsletter
- Listed as an FRCS sponsor on a banner in our gymnasium
- Custom banner including your business logo, slogan, and website
- Personal ad on live stream (3 available)*
What are the participant prizes?
Students receive prizes based on the amount of sponsorship they obtain.
• Elementary Fun Day
We are hosting a carnival for all elementary students who raise at least $50.00 for the Walkathon! Also, elementary classes that reach their class goal will receive a 2-hour fun day pass for the entire class!
• Lunch Credit
Students who raise $250 or more will receive credit on their school lunch account!
• Exam Permits
Students in grades 7-12 who raise $50.00 or more will be permitted to leave school at 11:45 AM during exam week!
• Tuition Credit
Students who raise $5,000 or more will receive credit on their school tuition!
Prize Breakdown
• Raise $50
2 Hour Fun Day Pass (K3 – 6)
1 Day Exam Permit (7 – 12)
• Raise $100
4 Hour Fun Day Pass (K3 – 6)
3 Day Exam Permit (7 – 12)
• Raise $250
Lunch Credit of $25
• Raise $500
Lunch Credit of $50
• Raise $1,000
Lunch Credit of $100
• Raise $5,000
Tuition Credit of $1,000
• Raise $10,000
Tuition Credit of $2,500
Walkathon Rules
1. Students may start collecting pledges as soon as they receive the pledge sheets.
2. Each sponsor making a pledge should write their own name, pledge per lap, and maximum pledge. Students may collect the pledge in advance but must turn them into their teacher in their Walkathon envelopes during homeroom.
3. On the day of the Walkathon, each class will start walking at 8:30 AM on our parking lot. Each lap is approximately 1/4 mile (Preschool students will participate in a tricycle ride which will began at 9:00 AM and last for 30 minutes).
4. Upon the student’s completion of the Walkathon, each student’s lap total will be recorded on their pledge sheet. Students may collect outstanding pledges.
5. No running or jogging will be allowed. Participants are encouraged to wear hats and sunscreen if it’s sunny or bring rain gear if it’s rainy. To avoid injury, please dress appropriately for walking.
6. Dress code: PE shorts that are to the knee, good tennis shoes, and an FRCS t-shirt may be worn for this activity. Please bring school clothes to change into after you have walked.
7. Students who do not participate will remain in class. Students who are planning to walk must raise a minimum of $25.00 to walk.
8. You can bring your own lunch or lunch may be purchased for $6.00 in advance. Lunch includes: sub sandwich, chips, drink, and dessert. You can order this meal on RenWeb.
9. Adults are encouraged to participate. However, there will be a fee of $25.00 for all those who want to participate without obtaining sponsors. We ask that you dress according to the school standards outlined in our handbook.